
INSPIRE-MITMProxy is a solution for running E2E tests in INSPIRE. It intercepts all HTTP(S) traffic from the workers (web, task and crawler nodes) and either let’s it pass through (e.g. when communication happens with internal services, or while recording communication with external service) or parses the incoming request and replies according to predefined (recorded) responses.


Dispatcher is the object which decides which service is responsible for handling an incoming request: all of the services are registered with the dispatcher. When a new request comes, the dispatcher iterates through the services until it either finds one that handles the request (by using handles_request(), or fails with HTTP 501: NoServicesForRequest.


Service is a basic building block of inspire-mitmproxy: each service imitates one of the external services we are mocking. In the basic case it has defined hostnames on which it listens, and if a request is matching one of those, it is passed to the service using process_request().

Management Service

ManagementService is aware of the other services and is used to orchestrate tests. Tests are organised in scenarios. In order to set a test scenario, a POST or PUT request has to be sent to its /config endpoint, like:

   "active_scenario": "name of scenario"

When the mitmproxy starts, the active scenario is default: since a scenario can be set only at the beginning of a test, this is to ensure that all of the responses required for proper start-up of INSPIRE are present.

The proxy also supports recording of new scenarios. Recording can be switched on and off via the Management Service, by a POST or PUT request to its /record endpoint. E.g. to switch on the recording (and respectively with false to switch it off):

   "enable": true

See for more endpoints of the Manager Service.

Whitelist Service

Whitelist service is designed to enable the user to specify hosts to which the traffic should always be allowed to passed. Interactions with whitelisted services cannot be recorded or replayed.

By default whitelisted services are: test-indexer (ElasticSearch), test-scrapyd (scrapyd), test-web-e2e.local (web node). You can specify your own list using an environment variable MITM_PROXY_WHITELIST, and listing the hostnames (no port number), white-space separated.